Sears Retail Hackathon

Posted On August 27 2015

Last month, the DARKWOLF team entered the Sears Retail Hackathon, sponsored by Sears, Apigee and Apptentive, and organized by Brand Garage. The hackathon took place the weekend of July 24th-26th 2015, at the Startup Hall on the University of Washington Campus.

At the end of the weekend, we were selected as the second-place finisher, with a $1,000 cash prize, narrowly missing the $10,000 grand prize.

A photo posted by DARKWOLF (@darkwolf) on

Our project (code-named “Buildshare”), is a social network that helps homeowners share and discover home improvement projects and features Sears & Kmart products. Users are able to share photos, videos, make blog posts and tag products. Adding & sharing products is easy and fun, due to a new user copy-paste plugin we built where users can copy any Sears/Kmart URL and paste it right onto their BuildShare project. We’ve released a preview version the copy-paste functionality as jquery-paste, an open-source jQuery plugin on GitHub.

Overall the event was a good team-building exercise, and allowed us to work with some technology we don’t normally get to experiment with, in a low-risk environment.

This was the first project where DARKWOLF had used sails.js, an application framework built on Express.js and Node. Using Sails was a major factor in being able to quickly develop a usable site. We’ve posted our entire stack for this project on

Kudos to the Brand Garage team for helping companies like Sears, Apigee and Appetitive build their developer ecosystems.

Let's Talk

DARKWOLF is here to help. If you think your company would benefit from what DARKWOLF has to offer, drop us a line!

